Contracts for the execution of a guided tour / guided tours including ancillary services are concluded under the following conditions:
1. validity
These contractual conditions shall become valid if this has been agreed in detail between the contractual partners.
2. travel agent activities
of a tour guide (§ 126 Abs 4 GewO), in particular transfers, are to be treated as guided tours.
3. fee
The client is requested to separately invoice his client for the work contract fee for the tour guide's services (tour fee) and any booking fee for the tour guide's services.
4. cancellation
The client does not have to pay a cancellation fee to the guide if the cancellation is made in writing no later than 5 days before the tour date (arriving at the guide).
If the client cancels between 5 and 3 days before the agreed tour date, half of the agreed tour fee must be paid as the cancellation fee.
If the client cancels less than 3 days before the agreed tour date, the full agreed fee must be paid.
Cancellation day and agreed tour day are included in the calculation of the time limit.
The full agreed fee is to be paid as a cancellation fee even if the customer does not appear at the agreed meeting point during the waiting period.
The cancellation fees stated here are flat-rate penalty amounts which are payable irrespective of fault or damage incurred.
The cancellation fee must be paid separately for each cancelled tour.
5. waiting times
In case of delay of the client, the guide is obliged to wait one hour at the agreed meeting point for the client. The waiting time is included in the duration of the tour and thus reduces its volume.
The client undertakes to wait 15 minutes for the guide. This waiting time does not affect the length of the tour.
In the event of unavoidable hindrance, the tour guide undertakes to arrange for a professionally equivalent and authorised replacement. The client must be informed of this as far as
6. payment
Payment shall be made in cash after performance of the service or immediately after invoicing without deduction.
For payment by cheque up to EUR 13,-- bank charges can be charged.
Program creation will be charged separately.
Default interest is 1 % per month (12 % p.a.).
7 The tour guide is forbidden to recommend to guests brought to him by the client to address their orders directly to him in future. If this is not expressly excluded in
writing, the tour guide may, however, offer the guests further services following the arranged tour if the tour operator or travel guide does not provide any other programme.
8. sound and film recordings during the guided tours are prohibited!
These General Terms and Conditions for Guided Tours by Authorized Guides are recommended by the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce, Professional Group of Leisure Companies, 6020 Innsbruck, Meinhardstrasse 12-14.